Front Page

 Virtual Studies in Computer Science

 Kids' Club
 Culture Sensitive IT-Education for Developing Countries
 Thinking Tools for the Net
 Software Visualization & Jeliot
 Development Project for Technology Education
 String Matching Algorithms for Educational Technology [official page to apper later]

People @ EdTech
Publications @ EdTech



ICALT 2004, August 30 - September 1, 2004
2nd International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries, August 31, 2004.
3rd International Summer School on Educational Technology, August 23 - 27, 2004.


3rd Annual Finnish / Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education - Koli Calling, 2003
Second International Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context, 2003
2nd International Summer School on Educational Technology, 2003
2nd Annual Finnish / Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education - Koli Calling, 2002
International Conference on Educational Technology in Cultural Context, 2002
International Summer School on Educational Technology, 2002
1st Annual Finnish / Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education - Koli Calling, 2001
1st International Program Visualization Workshop, 2000

University of Joensuu
Department of Computer Science @ University of Joensuu
Academy of Finland
European Commission
European Social Fund
TEKES - National Technology Agency of Finland


Project's web-pages:

The first priority for the project is to develop and test theories and applications of interactive learning from the research point of view. Furthermore, issues that are considered to be of high importance include Woven Stories -method, developed earlier in the department, distant learning and constructionistic learning theory. It is also considered important to discover creative, novel ideas into teaching and learning, which can be easily tested by applying them in real learning environment among the participants.

In addition to those mentioned earlier, one of the main goals is to inspire kids to find their aspiration to learn more about information technology, which might lead them later to participate virtual first year studies of computer science in their high schools and finally studying computer science in the university.

From the kids' point of view the goals for the project are learning to program a robot, during which a basic principles of programming are learned also; to learn how to use different software tools and applications. All this should be achieved in the spirit of constructionism, through play in well organized, comfortable settings. In addition to these shared goals, it is important to recognize each learner's individual goals by guiding learner to reach them according his/her own special skills and schedule.

Marjo Virnes,
